Jun 09, 2014 Sum…Sum…Sum… Sum… Sum … Summer Time… Sum…Sum…Sum…Sum… Sum… Summer Time… Its Here! Humid and Hot... gotta love it after this long cold Winter... already forgotten, but as you wipe the sweat from your brow while doing simple outdoor tasks... it makes you think that a "nice weather" compromise from Mother Nature would be appreciated... Ha Ha. Just go bare foot, swim, garden and enjoy the season of green and all that comes with it. Be grateful for another day of waking! Share a smile and remember... " Nice Matters " !!! Save the Dates...and make plans to join us…at... Shaker Woods... Saturday and Sunday ... August 9-10, 16-17 and 23-24 Antiques in the Woods... Saturday and Sunday ... September 6-7 Christmas in the Woods… Saturday and Sunday ... October 11-12 and 18-19 Check back for more information and like and follow us on Facebook for more details as show dates are upon us… !